Welcome to our blog.
How to harness the power of online marketing for your business.
Understanding the big picture will help you decide where to be, what to publish, and how to measure your online efforts.
Have a great week!
Margaret Brown
Founder, ANROMA -...
The customer is king? We recently read this article from our friends at Upwork.com and wanted to add some thoughts of our own.
How do we let our customers and clients in 2016 know we care? How do we show it and how do we prove it? As a business owner we all know that retaining a...
Online marketing means taking chances.
- Trying campaigns
- Contests
- Catch phrases
When you see something that has gone VIRAL, not always is it a spontaneous event caught on camera. Many times the producer of said viral event had tried and planned several times over.
Sometimes tooting your own horn...
Year after year we help our community, clients, and friends understand best practices for online marketing. As we exit 2015 we want to look back at what worked, didn't work, and focus on value.
In this post we'll share 3 of 7 top social media tips for 2016.
Join us online Nov 18...
Win the YELP Battle!
In 2004-05 the world was graced with the ability to find local restaurants/services, review our favorite places, and read recommendations and reviews from others. Although consumers found this handy especially when visiting a new neighborhood. The battle between...