Growth? Growth!
Apr 21, 2022
Personal development IS professional development.
I never knew I liked the outdoors…let alone did I know I LOVED the outdoors. When I was in London I found a new passion in hiking.
It’s been a time to recharge, think, explore new ideas and just enjoy the sky and the sights. I’m just scratching the surface! Hiking has become essential to me as a business owner, reinforcing my belief that personal growth leads to professional growth.
[Photo from this past weekend about 1.5 hours outside of NYC]
Growth is front and center this month at
We are focused on growth for our clients, and also committed to personal and processional growth for each of our team members. Practically speaking, this means maintaining open lines of communication and staying nimble to evolving roles so that all feel challenged and valued for their contributions.
My "secret to success?" I never get comfortable. I stay strategically active and that has kept my agency alive - move than alive: thriving, vibrant. We continually move forward.
If we stay confined in our comfort zone we can forget how to grow.
Get more insight in my April catch up here:
Here's to our continued personal AND professional growth! ðŠī
~ Margaret and the SocializeLA Team