Summer is for fun and breakthrough moments for my business. Let's do this.- Margaret

We designed this SUMMER BREAKTHROUGH with special pricing to make this a no-brainer. At least start the convo and get clear on your next steps.

The CLARITY SESSION is the first stop in a BREAKTHROUGH.

The Clarity Session includes:

  • Power Call with Margaret: Engage in a focused session with Margaret, your fractional CMO, to uncover the 'why' and possibilities within your aspirations.
  • Objective Clarification: Margaret helps clarify your goals and devises a plan to transition from just wanting to start to actually moving forward.
  • Actionable Steps: Together, you'll create actionable next steps that bridge the gap between initial desire and goal achievement.
  • Tailored Next Steps List: Receive a customized list of next steps, crafted by Margaret and the team.
  • Realistic Goal Setting: This process is designed to set achievable goals that reflect your vision, leading to meaningful and manageable progress.


Fun Fact: Often, the projects we dream about seem too big, and that’s why we put them off. But during our clarity sessions, we find out they’re not as overwhelming as they seem. By making a list and breaking the project into small, manageable steps with clear timelines, everything becomes less daunting. Even if progress is slow, it’s steady, and before you know it, you’ve achieved your goal!

Schedule Your Clarity Session Today!

The first step in right direction.

MODERN MARKETING: Before you move forward or decide to stay put, gain some clarity around where you're going, where you should be going, and how you're going to get there. Simplify your marketing by being crystal clear.


If you decide to move on with additional services you will receive a credit of up to $175.

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A practical guide to daily, weekly, and monthly digital marketing.


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